Send Survey
Auto Answer Questions contains the list of questions you created inside the survey. Questions have their type like string, boolean, short answer, etc. These types specify what type of answer needs to be provided. For that specific type of answer, we need a specific type of field to save the answer in it. This is also done in the generate link step.
Follow these steps to set the field for the question
Click on the Auto Answer Questions field.
Select a question from the questions list.
Select a field from the drop-down.
Click on Add
Click Create Trigger.
Follow these steps to delete Auto Answer conditions
Go to the Send Survey section.
Edit a particular distribution trigger, and click the Edit icon.
Select the generate link section.
Click on the delete icon of the question.
Click on the Create Trigger button.
Auto answer questions are used to pre-populate the answers for a question, based on the data in the Salesforce record.
This can be useful for questions that are related to the record being updated or inserted, such as the account name or contact name.
Auto-answer questions are optional and can be added or removed at any time.
The selected field should match the data type of the question.
Deleting an Auto answer question will remove the pre-populated answer for that question and the user will have to manually enter their answer during the survey.
The Auto answer questions can be set for only one question at a time.