Design & Manage
Duplicate or Copy a question
To summarize, Inpoll Survey allows users to duplicate or copy a question in the same survey. This feature can be accessed by hovering over the question on the survey builder page, clicking the action button, and selecting the "Duplicate" option. The copied question will have the same options and settings as the original question, but the question logic will not carry over. This feature is only available for draft surveys and not for published surveys. When a question is duplicated, the question number will automatically adjust.
To duplicate or copy the question:
Hover over the question you want to copy and click on the action button
Click the Duplicate button.
If you want to change something then change.
Click Done.
If the survey is published, We can not Duplicate/Clone the question of that survey. Only the draft survey allows to you clone the survey question.
When we clone the survey question, the Question number will be automatically adjusted.